Fran Friel

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Head in the Clouds, etc

Some would say I have my head in the clouds with this whole Million Dollar Experiement thing, and maybe so. But I figure it's worth the minor attention it requires in my day. Heck, I spend as much time deciding whether or not to wear socks.

So today I took the exciting step of writing myself a check for $1,000,000. I was surprised by the little resistances that came up when I thought about doing this - Oh, that's silly; That's a waste of a good check; People will make fun of me...yada yada (like how I worked that in there?). Anyway, realizing how resistance to writing a check did not bode well for someone seeking to manifest a cool mil, I abandoned my silly worries and got my check book. Once I started writing, it felt great! I even used my full legal name - yes, a mystery name that is. Then I got my trusty scotch tape and plastered that baby good so it would hang right over my computer. Now it's kind of like those paintings of George Washington where the eyes follow you around the room. Now my mil stares down at me and reminds me that it's just a check away (or maybe even closer).

Click here for the latest update from the Million Dollar Experiment crowd

*Speaking of easy money - regardless of your political affiliation the look of $87 billion is pretty staggering.

*Okay, I'm off the money subject. I had a lovely chat with Angeline Hawkes-Craig tonight at the Red Light District - it was me and a host of her other fans. She is one smart and driven writer. Read a sample of her storytelling, and Jason Sizemore's interview with Angeline at Apex Online.

*The fans at the Red Light District will be chatting with Micheal McBride, Tuesday night at 8PM Eastern US time.

*Author Scott Nicholson will be chatting online tonight 8PM Eastern (I think) at the Author Chats, sponsored by Biting Dog Press and The Salt Lake City Library System. Yup, I guess folks in Utah love horror, too.

Don't miss those chats! They're fun, entertaining and provide a whole lot of information to help keep your writing on track. And remember to bring your arsenal of questions - that's what they're there for. Dont be shy!

Have a great week!
