Fran Friel

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What Happens at Necon, Stays at Necon!


Okay, kids, it's almost that time. Just two more days. We're going to CAMP!!

I'm taking this time out of my camp-preparation schedule to share the giddy thrill of a kid that hasn't been to camp for at least a couple of decades. Now, that's WAY too long, but I'm going to do my best not to lose my head in the searing competition of the "Necon Olympic Events:" croquet, miniature golf, horseshoes, Hi-Lo Jack, darts...Oh, the joy of victory and the agony of defeat...or da' feet, whichever comes first.

Awaiting us are panels of brilliant writers, "saugies" (I'm sure I'll find out what they are in due time), movies and the famed Hawaiian Shirt Competition (mine is a solid contender for the ugliest!). And I've heard whispers of Jello shooters and Mojitos, but I have personally polished my martini shaker and I'm ready for duty!

So here's to my fellow campers, I can't wait to see you, meet you, trounce you in croquet (actually, I stink at don't be too skerred)! To those of you who can't make it this year, I'll personally have a Necon 'Tini for you!

A visual depiction of my prediction for the weekend follows:

Fran on Opening Day:

Fran on Day 2 - The Party's Rollin':

Fran and friends on Day 3:

Fran on Day 4 - The Last Day :

Fran on Monday - The Aftermath:

So there you have it, kids! I'll be missing in action for awhile, but I'll be back to blogging next week and I'll share a few pics and highlights of the 26th Northeastern Writers' Conference. But what I hear is that what happens at Necon, stays at Necon! *wink*

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel