Fran Friel

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$500 Horror Chops?

From the publisher of Dark Recesses Press , the lovely and talented, Bailey Hunter!

Hello fellow horrorphiles;

It's coming up to deadline time over in the Dark Recesses camp and I wanted to send out a reminder on a couple of fronts.

The first is the Dark Recesses Déjà vu Horror Contest:

The staff at Dark Recesses Press challenge you bring us the best ghost story ever written. We do want cliché, and we want it bad! Bad would be good, in this case. If you go for satire, then timing, execution and balance are critical. We want humor, not cheese. If you bring us something dramatic or thrilling, or God help us, ‘haunting’, drive the story to the bone. Make it tight, make the characters vivid, move us enough so that we’ll remember it tomorrow, and forget the hundreds of other entries using the same story line. The winning story will successfully entertain and will also demonstrate remarkable craft.

You have between 1000 - 2,500 words; not a cold breath more or less.

The contest closes to entries November 30th, 2006.

The prize for our WINNER TAKES ALL contest is $500 in cold hard US cash, a numbered, signed, HC copy of “Bloodstained Oz” by Christopher Golden and James A. Moore, and publication in Issue 6 of Dark Recesses Press, due out January 1st, 2007.

There is a $5 USD entry fee and full details can be found here: Dark Recesses Déjà vu Horror Contest


The second order of business is to remind folks that we do still have space for advertising. Our rates range between $15-$45USD and we can also help you build your ad at a nominal fee.

All advertising is hotlinked directly back to your website/product/contact email.

For more information please contact Tara White at:

As for regular submissions, we are close to having issue #6 filled, but are open for submissions year round - pay rate 3 cents/word.

Thank you for your time and I hope to see some of you between our pages in one form or another.

Bailey Hunter, Publisher
Dark Recesses Press

There you have it, folks, the latest scoop from DRP. And don't forget to get your FREE PDF copy of Dark Recesses Press #5 - Get it Here!


Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel