Fran Friel

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Off To See The Wizards!

Well, kids, I'm off to see the Wizard. Well, the wizards of Borderlands Press Novel Boot Camp. That would be the lovely and talented Tom Monteleone, F. Paul Wilson, Douglas Winter and Ginjer Buchanan. The other 15 "grunts" and I get to spend the weekend with these fine folks who will offer their expertise and criticism in hopes of helping us become better writers. I've heard the tales of tough love, from former Boot Camp grunts who've said it was some of the best time and money they've spent to further their writing skills.

Since I'll be leaving soon for the trenches, this will be my last blog entry for about a week. In the meantime, I leave you with a blushingly wonderful review of MAMA'S BOY by the gifted author, Kristy Tallman of THE ALL-SOUL'S FAIRE fame. Please help me thank Kristy for an amazing review (unsolicited - I SWEAR I didn't pay her!) by stopping by her blog and her website while I'm gone. Tell her Fran sent ya'!

PLEASE CLICK HERE to Read Kristy's Review!!

See ya' soon, gang...hopefully, with a good solid handle on my novel...and a nice buzz cut! *wink*

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel