A Bloody Good Review of the BSQ! by Fran Friel

If you haven't already noticed, the HL's own Boyd Harris has thrown his fedora into the arena of publishing. His new small press company, Cutting Block Press, has been busy promoting the Terrible Twelve's own anthology, The Horror Library, Volume 1, and a fine collection of dark novellas, The Butcher Shop Quartet. With a successful debut of the books at the 2006 World Horror Convention, lots of folks are taking note of the work of The Horror Library's authors and their friends.

The Butcher Shop Quartet recently received a very favorable review from Scott A. Johnson at The Horror Channel, giving it a 4 Mugs O'Blood out of 5 for its rating. Yeah, Mugs O'Blood beat Thumbs Up any day...that is unless the thumbs are severed, but I digress.

Scott A Johnson wrote:
"While all the stories in this collection are well written and deserving of praise, two shine over the others. "The House on the Hill" and "The Reconstruction of Kasper Clark" represent the best of this collection through the authors' smooth prose and ability to tap into the emotions of the readers. In the first case, it is the subtle underplayed horror and the questions left thereafter that makes "The House on the Hill" such a great read. In the second, every ounce of ridiculousness is played with tongue firmly in place in cheek, giving this pitch-black comedy enough of a toothy bite for any horror fan. "

For the complete review, visit The Horror Channel Reviews. Be sure to get your own copy of The Butcher Shop Quartet to see what the bloody fuss is all about. Available directly from Cutting Block Press or from fine booksellers like Shocklines.com.

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Along with the latest offerings of Fresh Meat from my T12 colleagues, read Fine Print by Fran Friel, FREE at The Horror Library.