I just wanted to thank you all for your very kind wishes regarding my recent heavyweight bout with the stomach flu. Needless to say, I lost the early rounds, and although I'm still feeling oogy, I'm sure I'll walk away the victor. I have to! Borderlands Press Novel Book Camp is next weekend in Maryland. I've been waiting since I applied last February for this workshop, so I need to be prepared to get my arse kicked there, too. *wink* Say a little prayer for me...mostly for the much needed whoopin' my novel will be getting.
Now for the entertainment portion of this post. For those of you who missed Borat, here's the equally shocking 30-second Bunnie Re-enactment version:
You can also see the 30-Second Bunnies Troupe in Fight Club and Christmas Vacation: HERE
Well, that's all the juice I've got for you at the moment. I'm heading back to my critiquing for Boot Camp and then back to bed. You all keep the horror fires burning for me while I duke it out with this bug. Stay well and enjoy the Bunnies!
Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel