It's FREE and full of wicked goodness - Dark Recesses Press Issue 6! Click Here to Get Your Free PDF Copy. Note: The download box says Issue 5, but I assure you it's No. 6, the real deal. The DRP web goddess will fix the error soon.
From the publisher of Dark Recesses Press:
Issue 6 contains eight delightfully devilish tales from all corners of the horror world, including works from Matthew Warner and Sara Joan Berniker.
There is a review of Stephen King's LISEY'S STORY, an article on What Makes A Bad Horror Character, and Edmund Schubert, editor of the InterGalactic Medicine Show dares you to prove him wrong in his assessment of The Best Vampire Novels Ever. Period.
In this issue, we also unveil the 3rd Deja Vu Horror Contest $500 Winner. A big congratulations goes out to Charles Colyott for taking top spot in this hard fought competition.
So if you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, click the link - you won't be sorry.
Only a few more weeks before this free issue will be history, so be sure to download it now. And start writing those new Deja Vu contest entries. Five hundred bucks for a few ghosts?? I wish I could enter!
Fresh Meat and Rainey
When you're done visiting the Dark Recesses of your mind, click on over to The Horror Library for some Fresh Meat fiction and a fine interview WITH and BY two of my favorite people, Deathrealm Revisited: An Interview With Stephen Mark Rainey, by Edmund Schubert, editor of Orson Scott Card's, InterGalactic Medicine Show.
So, that should keep you busy reading for a little while. Plus, it's all free! I love free, don't you? *grinz* Well, deadlines are looming long-shadowed at the moment, so I've got to get back to work, but I'll see you all around the brew cooler soon. Have a great week!
Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel