
The Haunted Mansion Project Interview

Angel and Fran Survive the Skeery


Have a peek at my interview with the marvelous and talented, Loren Rhoads.

We survived The Haunted Mansion Retreat together, along with a bunch of other intrepid writers and artists. Loren digs deep and makes me share the skeery.

Visit Morbid Is As Morbid Does for the Interview:


Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Darklings in the Hall

Dark Portrait
I know this photo is dark, but maybe it's better that way.  Maybe, in fact, it's better that it's hard to make out their faces.  Although the portrait is beautiful, it has a very sad tone to it.

Not surprising, this portrait hangs in the hall between rooms at the Haunted Mansion where some serious ghost activity has been experienced.  As I write this, the marvelous paranormal investigators, the Ghost Girls, are busy recording and analyzing data collected in this area of the Mansion.  They've already shared recordings of previous investigations at this location, and some of what they shared was chilling.

It will be "interesting" to see what they discover while we're all here rustling up the ghosties with our stories and wanderings around the house.

We'll keep you posted...if we live to tell the tale!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Chicken, Chicken!


Yup, I'm a chicken.  I admit it.  I proved it last night by moving from the dreaded third floor of the Haunted Mansion back down to the second floor.  Actually, it was a move from being ALONE up there is scaryville to rooming with a kind and heavy sleeping friend who wasn't disturbed by my snoring.  Thank you, Rena!

Further mocking my chickenly ways, the rooster in the coop beneath our room cockadoodle-dooed at me this morning when I went out on the balcony.

Yeah, pal, I got it.  I'm a chicken...but not as pretty as you.

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Note:  The lovely chicken photo is from Many thanks!