Nanci Kalanta

Clive Barker and Ronald Kelly - Icons at the POH!

A Couple of Marvelous Horrors at the POH
Don't miss the latest POD of HORROR with Mark Justice! Why? Because you'd be missing two magnificent horror icons, Clive Barker and Ronald Kelly. So, stop in to visit with the POD of Horror crew at Horror World for a great show.

From Horror World:
On Pod of Horror #52, we interview legendary author, film maker and artist Clive Barker. Also, 90s horror icon Ronald Kelly has returned in a big way, and we discover where he went and what the future holds for his fans. Nanci is here with the Call of Kalanta, Norm Rubenstein offers a bunch of new reviews and we give away tons of horror in The Tomb of Trivia. Get it at i-Tunes or download it below. Pod of Horror is hosted and produced by Mark Justice.

Click Here to Visit the POD of HOROR!

I hope you enjoy the POD people. They're some of my personal favorites.

In other self-aggrandizement news, MAMA'S BOY AND OTHER DARK TALES is now available for the Amazon Kindle! After much hemming and hawing, I got a Kindle last year, and now they can't pry it loose from my hands. If you have one of those little e-reading beauties, I'd be most grateful if you'd nab a copy of the MB collection. It's only $4.00! Heck, I'm buying one. *wink*

Click Here for a PEEK at MB on Kindle!

Have fun at the POD of Horror! Tell 'em Fran sent ya'!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel