Yada Feast

Times Best Seller Viehl Shares Financial Realities of Publishing

Truth Be Told
Wow, it certainly is refreshing to hear the truth for once. A long held sacred cow of the publishing industry is the silence of publishers and authors about advances and royalty statements. The marvelous NY Times Best Selling author, Lynn Viehl (also, S. L. Viehl), lays it all on the line, including her royalty statement, to dispel some of the myths and exaggerations about the writing business.

CLICK HERE to read Lynn's excellent article!

What do you think? Is this similar to your experience or that of your colleagues? Any wisdom, hearsay, ranting to add to the subject?

Have a rest of the week!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

PS - Many thanks to Mari Adkins for the link!

Sebastian's Voodoo - Don't Miss this Marvelous Little Vid!

Aniboom Grand Winner Video - Well Deserved!
My thanks to Cassandra Lee for forwarding this video to me. I loved the poignancy of this vid, the simplicity of the idea and the wonderful animation. Blew me away! I hope you love it, too!

This from aniboom.com (watch the vid first - SPOILER ALERT!) :

This year the Grand Winner was chosen by the combined ranking of both the Community and Jury, meaning Sebastians Voodoo was loved by all. A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death. Created by Joaquin Baldwin http://www.aniboom.com/boomzones/zell777
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If you liked this animation, don't forget to subscribe, you know you want to.

Check out more winners at http://www.aniboom.com/awards2008/

I hope you enjoyed the vid, gang. Got any favorites of your own?

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Meaty Words, Pokemon and Aussies

Odds and Ends
Words fascinate me, and because of my insatiable curiosity, thinking about words can take me down the strangest paths. Like today, for instance, I was preparing to do this blog and I had a lot of odds and ends type info to share with you. Then I got to thinking, where in the world did that phrase, "odds and ends," come from? Well, along with my insatiable curiosity, I also have a streak of stubborn laziness, so rather than take two minutes to look-up the origins of "odds and ends," I wasted ten minutes thinking about it. In my frivolous musings, I came up with my own hypothesis.

Having had the misfortune years ago of being a deli clerk, I remember that there were often bits too thin to slice left over at the end of a slab of deli meat. We'd slap them in a package and wrap them with plastic with the fancy "sear your fingers to the bone" sealing machine, then put them out for sale at a reduced price. Same "wholesome" deli meat goodness, great price! But I digress. The point is, I'm hallucinating that the phrase "odds and ends" came from the odd bits left over from the ends of deli meats, and that nifty phrase is probably attributable to the fine German butcher, Gunter Meathaus, from the mythical meat lusting Bavarian village of Wienerhoesen. Okay, maybe not, but it works for me!

So what does this have to do with horror? Nothing really, but I could pretend and say, MEAT, of course. There's a LOT of meat in horror...wet meat, rotting meat, bloody meat, monster meat. You name the messy meat and horror has it!

And today, I have some juicy odds and ends info-meat just for you, and since I've yacked on about my mental musings, I'll try to make it quick.

A New Aussie on the Block
The wonderful Steve Clark, publisher of Tasmaniac Publications has entered the small press arena with a bang. Tasmaniac is dedicated to quality horror novellas, and proof positive is one of Steve's first titles, Gary Braunbeck's, In the Midnight Museum. US bookseller, Bloodletting Press, is carrying Tasmaniac titles, but remember, ordering directly from the publisher always puts more money in the pockets of the writer and the publisher.

Click here to see all of Tasmaniac's excellent titles!

Pokemon Mama
Ryan Walsh posted the most hilarious thing I've read in years over at Shocklines.com. A woman, who I think could give Erma Bombeck a run for her money (alive or dead - *waves to Erma* - I know you're listening, Ms. Bombeck), is selling a set of Pokemon cards one of her SIX kids put in the shopping cart sans permission. Her item description is a slayer. Go read it!

Six kids! Now, that's horror real for ya'.

Those Aussies Are Busy
Million Puppet Project - now there's got to be a horror story in here somewhere, but until I dream that baby into life, I think this is just wildly cool. Studying the behaviors and feeding habits of puppets could be very important. You never know what getting a million puppets together in one place could do. World domination of socks, felt and fingers comes to mind. Be prepared! For your own safety, go visit the Million Puppet Project site. If not for yourself, do it for the children!

Okay, is that enough messy meat for today, kids?

Will You Remember Me?
One more thing, and this is strangely sad for me - I need to go off-line for a while (no, they're not removing my batteries, silly), so I can get some serious writing done.

In all honesty, I'll miss you. I do love blogging for you and hanging out in the comments bar and grille at the end of each yack fest I share with you. BUT, I'm too scatterbrained to work with the distractions of so much fun-ness. I'll need to find my fun in fiction for the next few months.

However, if I meet my writing goals weekly, I'll pop in and visit you as a delicious reward to myself (yup, you're sweet like honey to me - and non-fattening, too!). If my slackerness is under control, I'll give you an update and see what wickedness you're up to. Don't forget me in my absence. I promise, I won't forget you.

See ya', you sweeties!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

PS - If you're missing me (a megalomaniac dream of mine), you can drop me an email at franfriel AT gmail.com. I'm going to work on that newsletter I've been neglecting, as well, so feel free to sign-up, and please ignore the glaring typo in the "thank you for signing-up" message. Jeesh, you'd think I'd catch those typo gremlins in the act...but NOooo. *mutters to self*

A World of Hurtt - One Last Song

One Last Song Continues!

"Fame only costs your freedom. In 2046, American media personalities must obtain an officially sanctioned "performance card" or face internment in "terror aversion camps". Musician Amanda Casey is a rebel spreading the truth about her government's corruption via seemingly innocent love songs. What happens when she is found out? Written by C.J. Hurtt with art by Shawn Richter." --Book Description, One Last Song

In today's competitive publishing world, I think the comic book/graphic novel business is one of the toughest. To even get a chance at distribution is like beating a gauntlet of razors, lasers and machine guns. Then once you're standing at the finish line and you've got that first issue published, the real challenge begins - to get enough buzz and sales to warrant a second issue. Dang, comic book writers and illustrators must be crazy masochists, but I'm so glad they are, because they keep an important art form alive and growing.

A World of Hurtt
That brings us to a friend of mine, author, CJ Hurtt. He's been down this road many times now and he's on the cusp of finally passing through those golden gates into issue 2 and beyond. What that means for us is a free copy. Yup, I love free...and I know you do, too. To bring some more eyes to the series and give a boost to upcoming issue #2, the publisher, Brain Scan Comics, is offering a FREE e-copy of Issue 1 at WOWIO:


And, of course, if you like Issue 1, OR if you just love supporting hard working artists and writers, pre-order ONE LAST SONG, Issue 2. You can pre-order at your local comic book store by usng the code APR073521. CLICK HERE for the Comic Shop Locator.

A Little Help for the Comically Impaired
I tried to find a way to pre-order the comic at an online store so you could just click and go, but I couldn't figure it out. If any of you know how to order comics online using a code, please post instructions in the comments and I'll transfer it here into the text. Thanks!

Happy Free-Reading! See you soon.

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

PS - My Gratitude
Btw, thanks to everyone who sent you warm thoughts and wisdom for my daughter after the passing of her dear friend, Kennedy. The memorial service was Thursday and over 500 people attended. My daughter said that the parents greeted every person that came through the door. I don't know how they did it. The funeral was Friday. Classes at the University of Maryland start on Wednesday. It'll be a tough start of the year for a lot of kids, but like so many of you have said, the passing of time will help the healing process. Thanks again for all the love.