Apex Book Company

Apex Friday the 13th SALE - good thru Sunday!

Who Said Friday the 13th was Unlucky?
On the contrary, Apex is celebrating the 13th with a juicy little sale. So, if you've been holding out to get a copy of MAMA'S BOY AND OTHER DARK TALES or any of the great Apex titles from authors Michael A. Burstein, Alethea Kontis, Maurice Broaddus, Nate Kenyon, Sara M. Harvey, Thomas R. Riley, Lavie Tidhar, Brady Schwan, Matt Wallace, Steven Savile and Jennifer Pelland, than this is the sale for you!

Direct from the Apex Alien's mouth:

In celebration of the upcoming Friday, the 13th, we are having a
storewide sale! Get 13% off any item* in the Apex store from now until
Sunday night. Just use the checkout coupon code: FRIDAYTHE13TH.

We don’t do many storewide sales like these, so take advantage of the
savings while you can!

Remember, the code is FRIDAYTHE13TH on the checkout screen.

Our store url is http://www.apexbookcompany.com/cart.php

Apex is doing it's darnedest to keep good fiction coming your way and saving you money, too. Please help keep small independent presses like Apex alive, and buy a great book today!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Ready for Santa? Got Ten Bucks?

A $10 Peace of Mind
Santa is buffiing up for the big event, gathering gifts and training the reindeer--he's getting ready, but are you? Oh yes, that's right, my friends--Christmas is ONLY four months away. Yes, there, there, take a deep breath. I know you don't want to think about it. I know you just want to wait until the leaves change and the wind shifts, but I want to offer you a peace of mind that only early holiday shopping can bring...and have I got a deal for you! *shines cheap shoes and straightens leisure suit lapels*

For your holiday shopping enjoyment, or simply for the delight of a great deal, Apex is having a $10 Sale. If you liked the MB collection (or you haven't ordered a copy yet), you can get trade paperback copies of MAMA'S BOY AND OTHER DARK TALES, the perfect stocking stuffer for those discerning friends and family members, for only $10. There are a number of other great titles available, too.

The catch is (and there's ALWAYS a catch) that the sale lasts for only one week and starts today, August 19th, so don't wait--shimmy on over to Apex for a book sale that will make your holiday shopping a breeze this year. Remember, do it for Santa! *big grin*

CLICK HERE for a the $10 Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales!

CLICK HERE for the complete list of $10 titles!

Happy shopping, you lovely little elves, you!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Horror World, Ron Kelly Goodness, Reviewy

Horror World
Forgive my shameless plug (yet another one), but I'm very excited and honored to be the featured author at Horror World for the month of August. You'll find my story, "Bessie Green's Thumb," available there until the end of the month--FREE! Horror World publisher, Nanci Kalanta said it had a Twilight Zone feel, so if that's your cup of weird tea, please stop by for a read.

Click Here for "Bessie Green's Thumb."

At Horror World you'll also find:

A Simon Wood interview with Steve Wedel

The always fabulous Horror World Book Reviews

The Lastest Pod of Horror - #46 with The Three Steves

Ron Kelly Goodness
It's a great day for horror fans because novelist, Ronald Kelly is back in business in a big way. After a decade away from the industry, he's back in the writing game full-time. I'm new to his work, but after reading Flesh Welder, I can't wait for what he's got in store for us. On his website he's announced a TEN book deal with Full Moon Press. Hop on over to Ron's site for the full line-up--it's a stunning bit of news for Kelly fans around the globe.

Another bit of nice (and shameless) news--over at Goodscares, C. Michael Cook offers a very thoughtful review of Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales. Have a read and let me know what you think. Btw, Michael always has something interesting to read, so be sure to go back for more!

Also, for those of you who have ordered the hard cover limited edition, I have them in my grubby little paws as we speak. They'll be signed, numbered and in the mail to the publisher for shipping to you by Monday afternoon. If you don't have a copy yet, but you'd still like an inscription, 1) buy your hard cover copy from APEX today (SUNDAY) and 2) send me an email with your proof of purchase and 3) inscription info (your name or whoever you want the book inscribed to and if there's anything special you'd like written in the inscription) and I'll be sure to add it to the shipment for tomorrow.

That's the scoop for now, gang. Have a great week!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

Last Call for Inscriptions on the HCs

Hardcover Scrawls
Hey, gang, at last the shipment of hardcover limited edition copies of Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales are winging their way to me. I should have them sometime next week. If you've ordered a hardcover and would like an inscription, please let me know. You can post here or send me a message. If you have special instructions for your inscription (i.e. it's a gift for someone else), don't hesitate to tell me what you'd like written in your copy.

If you haven't ordered your hardcover copy yet and would still like to do so, you have a few days before I start scrawling my name on the books. There are limited edition numbered hardcover copies available at:

Apex Book Company and the Horror Mall

Of course the trade paperbacks are also available at Apex, Horror Mall, Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com. I'll be happy to sign those too if you ship them to me directly (just ask and I'll be happy to give you my shipping address).

Penmanship is not my forte so I can't promise legibility, but I'll try my best! *wink*

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

A Little Hair Pulling Help and Banner Beggin'

Hair Pulling Help
As most writers soon discover, there's far more to writing than just crafting an entertaining story. You have to prepare your manuscript for submission, and in the case of novels, you have to write a compelling query letter and then you have to market yourself as if you know what you're doing. It's enough to send a writer into a bit of a hair pulling frenzy.

Well, today I've got a couple of links to help save at least a hair or two. This is old news for some of you, but hopefully it will help a few folks that still have their hair.

Make It Pretty
Unless you've taken a class on the subject or have a writer in the family, one of the things that you simply don't know as a new writer is how to format a manuscript for submission to an editor. And believe me, in my brief couple of years as an editor of a small mag there are lots of writers who don't know how to do this. A clean well-formatted manuscript makes an important strong first impression showing a commitment to being a professional. It can be a tedious job, but formatting is very important so don't skimp on the details. Hence, the following link is a good guideline for formatting a manuscript for submission (but remember to always read the specific guidelines of the editor you're submitting to--some have special requirements...sometimes silly ones...they have their reasons or they're sadist, but do it anyway):

William Shunn: Manuscript Formatting - Click Here!

Query Madness
Another important tool in the writer's tool kit is the skill of writing an compelling query to a publisher or an agent. Like a handshake at a meeting, the query letter is the first impression you give a potential agent or publisher of your work. Since they receive tons of queries everyday, a busy publisher or agent wants your query short, concise and clean. This sounds simple, but there's a real art to a great query letter. Here's a place to peruse for some very good advice on this mystical maddening writer's necessity:

Query Shark - Click Here!

Work It Baby
There are those lucky folks that are in the right place at the right moment and it all falls into place for them, but most of us have to do the hard work of getting our writing noticed by publishers and readers alike. Volumes have been written on the need to market in the writing business and amongst writers there are heated debates on this subject, but coming from a sales background and also running a private therapy practice for many years, I've learned that you have to do a little legwork or you wither on the vine waiting.

I guess my biggest lesson came from the Condo King. As a Realtor years ago, I worked with a marketing firm and they taught me the concept of "making it so." They introduced me to the Condo King, a guy struggling like all new Realtors to get a steady list of clients, that is until he bought a billboard and crowned himself the Condo King. Was he the Condo King? Debatable, but he indeed made it so with that billboard that turned him into the local go-to guy for condos. He talked the talk, but ultimately he walked the walk and delivered on his promise as the Condo King.

As writers our name and our work are our brand. I can hear the cringing of many writers as I say that, but it's a simple truth. What do you think when you hear about a new Stephen King, JK Rowling or Dean Koontz book? Most fans of their work think, "Oooo, gotta get that!" It's just like the album of your favorite band or the latest Prada purse dangling on a celeb's arm or a new Lamborghini model ripping up asphalt around the world --brands, baby.

But for the lowly writer without an army of marketers we've got to work with what we have at hand. First and foremost, good product and a good reputation. 1) Learn to write well and seek out teachers and colleagues who will offer you honest criticism. Let the sting of imperfection fade and learn from their comments. 2) Be professional and kind (or at least polite) in your public dealings. Blasting folks on message boards can be the kiss of death to your reputation. 3) Join message boards, writers groups, professional writers organizations and go to conventions. Get to know folks and build a good reputation that will help when your submission comes up for consideration. 4) Help others succeed. It feels really good to be helpful and people will remember your kindness. 5) Blog regularly, write articles, offer to interview your colleagues, volunteer to be a first reader or to do some editing for a mag or anthology--get your name out there so that when your submission comes before the editors and their choice is you or an equally talented writer whose name is completely unfamiliar, you'll have that slight and oh so important advantage.

I recently found a couple of free or inexpensive advertising resources to help spread the word. You might want to give them a try:

Horrorfind Banner Exchange

GenreBanners.com - Permuted Press Banner Exchange

Project Wonderful - Work like Ebay, bidding for banner ad space on sites of your choice

Well, this little blog has turned into a bit of a monster, but I hope you may have a least found something of interest here. Now I'm off to get some work done!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel

PS: Speaking of banners, if you have a little space for a snazzy Apex/MB banner I'd be honored if you'd post it for us. Please let me know if you do! Here's the banner and the link:

Link to: http://www.apexbookcompany.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=24

Embed direct code - copy and paste into website or About me Myspace code (be sure change red brackets [ ] to same facing arrows < >):

[a target="_blank" href="http://www.apexbookcompany.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=24"][img border="0" src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c333/franfriel/APEX_Mamas_banner.gif" /][/a]

Are You Mad Enough? Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales Pre-Order is Open!

Are You Mad?
You know how time goes fast and slow at the same time sometimes? Well, this is one of those moments for me (and no this is not an episode of LOST, thankfully). It's a long process from the conception of a book to its final printing, but then suddenly it's there. Yes, suddenly it's ready to be unleashed on the unsuspecting!

So I'm very pleased to tell you (finally!), if you're mad enough to jump in this Gemini's twisted pool of dark fiction, then jump, baby, JUMP! The pre-ordering has begun for MAMA'S BOY AND OTHER DARK TALES!

I understand that of the 100 limited edition hardcover copies available, 30 were gone by noon. Woohoo! But the trade paperback is also available, so no worries unless for some crazy reason you want my chicken scratch of a signature in your collection (the fabulous cover artist, Billy Tackett, will also be signing...not sure if he does chicken scratch...I doubt it).

Click Here for the PRE-ORDER link for the MB collection at Apex.

Just In Case
By some small chance you haven't heard my yammering about Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales, then here's the basics. The title story, Mama's Boy, was a Horror Writers Association Bram Stoker Finalist in 2006 for long fiction and it's the title story (surprise!) of this fiction collection. There are 14 pieces of fiction in all, including 3 additional novellas written expressly for the collection. The magnificent Gary Braunbeck is slated for the intro and the book will be released June 28th. It will having its debut at Hypericon in Nashville TN! Shall we call it a literary cotillion of sorts?

Here's what a couple of wonderful writers had to say about the collection:

“Fran Friel has a genuine gift for storytelling. Her highly adaptable prose boils over with emotion: love, guilt, fear, and the myriad shades between. Mama’s Boy and Other Dark Tales marks the arrival of a stunning new talent.”
Michael McBride, author of the God's End trilogy and Bloodletting

"Fran Friel is a rosy-cheeked, cheerful woman with a world-class seductive smile. Her obviously warm nature makes her icy fiction appear all that more unsettling. Her stories are well written, compelling, all with a muscular hard edge, with often surprising but very appropriate endings...and always absolutely brutally chilling. From the short-short shockers like "The Widow" and "Close Shave" that surprise like an unexpected poke in the eye, to the longer moving ones like "The Sea Orphan" and "Beach of Dreams," that jar you and linger like a solid, well-placed left hook to your kidney. Many have the quality of the renown title piece, MAMA'S BOY: At some point they make your sphincter muscle clench and spasm with shock. Scary stories that are not soon forgotten. And from such a nice person. Highly recommended."

Not too shabby?

The Horror Mall
is also carrying the collection, and if you have a favorite bookstore you prefer to patronize just drop me a note and I'll give you the ISBN numbers for ordering.

I can't thank you all enough for your support. You're why I do this crazy writin' thing--you make it all worth while.

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel