
I'm No Hitchcock

Even More Global Domination
Okay, before we get to the magnificent Alfred, I wanted to alert you to the ever growing threat of world domination coming from my favorite, I mean, that dastardly mag and publishing house Apex. The fiends have taken another giant step forward to their goal by hiding behind their brand spankin' new highly professional and easy to navigate website. Stop by and see for yourself. It's a hideous plot, I tell ya'. While you're there, be sure to buy something. Commerce is the only way to keep them distracted from their ultimate goal. I highly recommend Gratia Placenti...FABOO!

But if you can't beat 'em, Join 'Em!

Now, To Alfred
I've looked at a lot of elements that have contributed to my twisted sensibilities, hence my penchant for writing horror, and one of my earliest memories of being emotionally marred was Alfred Hitchcock's, Psycho. I was a darn good faker as a kid, and one fateful night, I faked being asleep on the sofa while my parents watched Norman do his dirty deeds. I watched the whole wicked movie with one eye closed, not moving a muscle for fear of being discovered and banished from the horror and the delight of my decadent viewing.

There's a reason why parents don't allow their kids to watch horror, and I'm living proof. That movie scarred me for life, and just now as I think about it, my novella Mama's Boy was no doubt an opportunity to purge some of that scarring. Jeesh, the things we discover buried in our own little psychic-cemeteries when we least expect them.

Anyway, I'd like to contribute to your delinquency by offering up a real treat. Last night I found a fantastic site - The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. There you'll find links to full length episodes of that wickedly wonderful show.

For a nostalgic ride into Scaryville with Alfred & Co. - CLICK HERE!

I'm No Hitchcock
No siree, I'm no Mr. Hitchcock, but that didn't stop me from making a lame attempt at a little video making myself. Actually, it was just a bit of a laugh to try making a video or sorts with the program. It's very limited and it's too slow, and on and on I could complain, but it was free and it was fun. Following is the link rather than a video player. I didn't want to post the embedded video, because it plays automatically (no auto on-off switch - one of those things I could complain about, but I won't...or did I just? :D ), so I didn't want it to knock over anyone's machines, particularly folks that might have dial-up.

With all that said, please give the link below a little clickety, and let me know if you like my lame-o MB vid:

MB is Back - Summer 2008!

Have a fine week, kids, and enjoy a little Hitchcock for me.

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel